marți, 10 iulie 2012

Claude Louis de Saint-Germain

Name: Claude Louis de Saint-Germain
Born: 1565
Traits: Arrogant, Suspicious, Self-centered, Malicious, Ostentatious, Obsolete
Romantic History: Anne Marie Louise de Croy (love interest)
Wife: Angelique de Croy
Aspiration: Romance
Character Alignment: Neutral
Rang: Count of St. Germain

The son of Gabriel, Comte de Saint-Germain and his wife, Charlotte, daughter of the duc de La Force, Claude Louis was brought up with the children of his relative, the maréchal de Gramont.He entered the army, and served under Turenne, also his kinsman, and succeeded his father as commander of the cent gentilshommes de la maison de roi.Claude Louis rapidly rose in the old King's favour, became colonel of the royal regiment of dragoons, and was gazetted maréchal de camp.His rough wit and skill in practical jokes pleased Louis XIV, but his jealousy and violence were the causes of his undoing.The results were always short sojourns in the Bastille, but he soon returned to his functions of court buffoon.After the King's sister fell in love with him and scandalized the court of France by asking her brother for permission to marry him, the Comte de Saint-Germain fell in disgrace and was forced to leave the Royal Court and continue to live on his domains.
Many years later, during King Philip's reign he got involved in a conspiracy and the King was forced to marry his daughter to him.

Julien de Saint-Germain (1626-1633)
Christelle de Saint-Germain (1633)
Horace de Saint-Germain (1633)

This character's profile is based on the informations about Antoine Nompar de Caumont, marquis de Puyguilhem, duc de Lauzun.

4 comentarii:

A Bundle of Joy spunea...

Wow. You surely have a lot of noblemen and -women, if not, their relatives! Are you going to create more middle-class people and lower-class people? It would be nice to read about a family who is struggling than a family who is pampered for a change. :)

Keep up with the good work. :D

A Bundle of Joy spunea...

Are you going to upload any characters and families?

It would be fun to play your characters in my game!

Auteur des Rêves spunea...

Well, I realized that I have more nobles in my game than middle and lower class people, but that's only because the "normal" people die too soon >.> (especially women)
But I will try to find some stories about them too ^^

Right now I can't upload any sim, because my Sims2 BodyShop doesn't work >.>

A Bundle of Joy spunea...

You mean that Bodyshop always crashes when you start it up?

I have uploaded some pictures of Stonewall Castle and made new posts on my blog! Check them out!

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